विषयानभिसन्धाय यश ऐश्वर्यमेव वा ।
अर्चादावर्चयेद्यो मां पृथग्भाव: स राजस: ॥
viṣayān abhisandhāya yaśa aiśvaryam eva vā |
arcādāv arcayed yo māṁ pṛthag-bhāvaḥ sa rājasaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 3.29.9; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 232)
“One possessed of separate disposition (bhāva) who shall worship me in the deity and elsewhere with the aim of [attaining] objects of the senses, fame, or affluence [alt., power] is rājasa [i.e., of the nature of raja-guṇa].”
pṛthak matto’nyatra viṣayādiṣv eva bhāvaḥ spṛhā yasya, na tu mayīti rājasatva-hetutā darśitā ||
(Krama-sandarbha-tīkā; Bhakti Sandarbha: 232)
“‘One possessed of separate disposition’ (pṛthag-bhāva) is one who has bhāva, that is, desire, for objects and so forth other than me, and not, rather, for me. Thus, the causality of being rājasa is shown.”