र्वृन्दारण्यमहेश्वरीं प्रियतया यास्तोषयन्ति प्रियाः ।
प्राणप्रेष्ठसखीकुलादपि किलासङ्कोचिता भूमिकाः
केलिभूमिषु रूपमञ्जरीमुखास्ता दासिकाः संश्रये ॥
vṛndāraṇya-maheśvarīṁ priyatayā yās toṣayanti priyāḥ |
prāṇa-preṣṭha-sakhī-kulād api kilāsaṅkocitā bhūmikāḥ
keli-bhūmiṣu rūpa-mañjarī-mukhās tā dāsikāḥ saṁśraye ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 38; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.27)
“I take full shelter in those dāsīs headed by Rūpa Mañjarī, who out of affection satisfy the great Īśvarī of Vṛndāvana [i.e., Śrī Rādhikā] with offerings of pan, foot massages, servings of water, [arrangements for] trysts, and so forth [for her and her beloved Śrī Kṛṣna], who are more dear [to her] than even the prāṇa-preṣṭha-sakhīs, and who have uninhibited roles in the locales of [her] amorous play [with Śrī Kṛṣṇa, i.e., they render service without any inhibition and also cause no inhibition in Rādhā or Kṛṣṇa in the midst of their līlās].”