
mudā gopendrasyātmaja-bhuja-pariṣvaṅga-nidhaye

mudā gopendrasyātmaja-bhuja-pariṣvaṅga-nidhaye
sphurad-gopī-vṛndair yam iha bhagavantaṁ praṇayibhiḥ |
bhajadbhis tair bhaktyā svam abhilaṣitaṁ prāptam acirād
yamī-tīre gopīśvaram anudinaṁ taṁ kila bhaje ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 87)

“On the bank of Yama’s Twin,
Assuredly I daily worship him,
The lord who
For the sake of [attaining] a jewel—
The embrace of the arms
Of the Son of the gopa’s king—
Was joyfully worshiped
With bhakti here [i.e., in Vṛndāvana]
By those shining gopīs full of love,
Who quickly attained their desired object.”

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yat-pādāmbuja-yugma-vicyuta-rajaḥ-sevā-prabhāvād ahaṁ

yat-pādāmbuja-yugma-vicyuta-rajaḥ-sevā-prabhāvād ahaṁ
gāndharvā-sarasī-girīndra-nikaṭe kaṣṭo’pi nityaṁ vasan |
tat-preyo-gaṇa-pālito jita-sudhā rādhā-mukundābhidhā
udgāyāmi śṛṇomi māṁ punar aho śrīmān sa rūpo’vatu ||
(Stavāvalī: Abhīṣṭa-sūcana, 13)

“Aho! May he, Śrīmān Rūpa, again protect me, I who am sustained by the circle of those dear to him, and who, although troubled, sing aloud and hear the names of Rādhā and Mukunda, by which nectar is defeated, residing continuously near the king of mountains [i.e., Govardhana] at the lake of Gāndharvā [i.e., Rādhā Kuṇḍa] by the power of service to the dust fallen from the pair of his lotus feet.”

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apūrva-premābdheḥ parimala-payaḥ-phena-nivahaiḥ

apūrva-premābdheḥ parimala-payaḥ-phena-nivahaiḥ
sadā yo jīvātur yam iha kṛpayāsiñcad atulam |
idānīṁ durdaivāt pratipada-vipad-dāva-valito
nirālambaḥ so’yaṁ kam iha tam ṛte yātu śaraṇam ||
(Stavāvalī: Prārthanāśraya-caturdaśaka, 10)

“Now, in the wake of misfortune, who shall he who is shelterless and surrounded by a forest fire of constant adversity take shelter in here besides he who is his vitality and who always graciously and matchlessly showered him here with heaps of foam from the fragrant water of the ocean of unprecedented prema?”

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kenacid grathitā padyair mālāghreyā tad-āśrayaiḥ ||
(Stavāvalī: Viśākhānanda-stotra, 134)

“Strung with verses by some one-pointed servitor of just the dust of the lotus feet of Śrīmad Rūpa, may this garland be smelled by those who are in his shelter [alt., by those in the shelter of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa].”

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śrī-vṛndā-vipinaṁ suramyam api tac chrīmān sa govardhanaḥ

śrī-vṛndā-vipinaṁ suramyam api tac chrīmān sa govardhanaḥ
sā rāsa-sthalikāpy alaṁ rasamayī kiṁ tāvad anya-sthalam |
yasyāpy aṁśa-lavena nārhati manāk sāmyaṁ mukundasya tat
prāṇebhyo’py adhika-priyeva dayitaṁ tat-kuṇḍam evāśraye ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 53)

“I take shelter in her kuṇḍa [i.e., Śrī Rādhā Kuṇḍa]—

Dear to Mukunda

Like [Śrī Rādhā,] she who is dearer [to him]

Then even his prāṇas—

[Her kuṇḍa] To even a minute portion of which

The beautiful, greatly charming forest of Vṛndā,

Beautiful Govardhana,

And the rasa-laden Rāsa-sthalī,

Much less any other place,

Do not merit [being considered to possess even] slight equivalence.”

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yasya śrīmac-caraṇa-kamale komale komalāpi

yasya śrīmac-caraṇa-kamale komale komalāpi
śrī-rādhoccair nija-sukha-kṛte sannayantī kucāgre |
bhītāpy ārād atha nahi dadhāty asya kārkaśya-doṣāt
sa śrī-goṣṭhe prathayatu sadā śeṣa-śāyī sthitiṁ naḥ ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 91)

“He whose beautiful, tender lotus feet

Śrī Rādhā intently raised for her own pleasure,

But even then became fearful

Because of the [imagined] fault of hardness

And did not hold atop the tips of her breasts

Although she is [most] tender [in figure]—

May [he,] Śeṣa-śāyī,

Extend to us

Eternal residence in beautiful Vraja.”

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yadā tava sarovaraṁ sarasa-bhṛṅga-saṅghollasat

yadā tava sarovaraṁ sarasa-bhṛṅga-saṅghollasat-
saroruha-kulojjvalaṁ madhura-vāri-sampūritam |
sphuṭat-sarasijākṣi he nayana-yugma-sākṣād babhau
tadaiva mama lālasājani tavaiva dāsye rase ||
(Vilāpa-kusumāñjali: 15)

“O you of blossoming lotus eyes! When your pond appeared before my eyes brimming with sweet water and splendid with clusters of lotuses shining amid swarms of enamored bumblebees, then only did my longing for the rasa of servitude exclusively unto you arise.”

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