
yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt

yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt
saṁnudaṁś ca kukarma-jāḍyam abhito hṛt-padmam ullāsayan |
rādhā-mādhava-gūḍha-rūpa-saraṇīm udbhāṣayan bhāskaraḥ
sa tvaṁ śrī-gurudeva pāhi patitaṁ māṁ dīnam andhaṁ janam ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.48)

“He who blinds the owls of sophistry,
Removes the darkness of ignorance and delusion,
Dispels the dullness of misdeeds,
Causes the lotus of the heart to bloom completely,
And illuminates the path
To the confidential forms of Rādhā and Mādhava—
May you, that sun, O Śrī Gurudeva,
Please protect me,
A fallen, lowly, and blind person.”

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yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt Read on →


śvetāmbaraṁ gaura-ruciṁ sanātanam |
śandaṁ sumālyābharaṇaṁ guṇālayaṁ
smarāmi sad-bhaktimayaṁ guruṁ harim ||
(Yāmala; cited in Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 1.15; Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.2)

“The eternal, beneficent abode of virtue filled with pure bhakti and possessed of lotus feet replete the nectar of grace, white cloth, golden luster, and the adornment of a fine garland—I meditate upon the guru, [who is] Hari.”

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kṛpā-marandānvita-pāda-paṅkajaṁ Read on →


goloka-saukhya-rasa-pūra-mahiṁ mahimnā |
āplāvitākhila-susādhu-janāṁ sukhābdhau
rādhā-mukunda-muditāṁ yamunāṁ namāmi ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.33)

“I offer obeisance to the Yamunā,

Whose lotus feet are worshipped by tīrthas beginning with the Gaṅgā,

Who is a great, powerful inundation of the rasa of Goloka’s joy,

By whom all exalted sādhus are immersed in an ocean of happiness,

And by whom Rādhā and Mukunda are delighted.”

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gaṅgādi-tīrtha-parisevita-pāda-padmāṁ Read on →

śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-tulyā madhura-rasa-kathā-cāturī-citra-dakṣāḥ

śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-tulyā madhura-rasa-kathā-cāturī-citra-dakṣāḥ
sevā-santarpiteśāḥ svasurata-vimukhā rādhikānanda-ceṣṭāḥ |
sarvāḥ sarvārtha-siddhā nija-guṇa-karuṇā-pūrṇa-mādhvīka-sārā
narmālyo rādhikāyā mayi kurutaḥ kṛpāṁ prema-sevottarā yāḥ ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.27)

“Rādhikā’s narma-sakhīs, who are one at heart with Śrī Rādhā, who are wonderfully adept in the cleverness of discussion of madhura-rasa, who keep their Īśā [i.e., Rādhikā] fully satisfied with their service, who are averse to amour themselves [i.e., to personally engaging in amour with Kṛṣṇa], who endeavor for Rādhikā’s bliss, who are accomplished in all respects, who are filled with the essence of the nectar that is their own virtue of compassion, and who are devoted to prema-sevā—may they all bestow their grace upon me.”

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śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-tulyā madhura-rasa-kathā-cāturī-citra-dakṣāḥ Read on →


vṛndāraṇya-maheśvarīṁ priyatayā yās toṣayanti priyāḥ |
prāṇa-preṣṭha-sakhī-kulād api kilāsaṅkocitā bhūmikāḥ
keli-bhūmiṣu rūpa-mañjarī-mukhās tā dāsikāḥ saṁśraye ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 38; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.27)

“I take full shelter in those dāsīs headed by Rūpa Mañjarī, who out of affection satisfy the great Īśvarī of Vṛndāvana [i.e., Śrī Rādhikā] with offerings of pan, foot massages, servings of water, [arrangements for] trysts, and so forth [for her and her beloved Śrī Kṛṣna], who are more dear [to her] than even the prāṇa-preṣṭha-sakhīs, and who have uninhibited roles in the locales of [her] amorous play [with Śrī Kṛṣṇa, i.e., they render service without any inhibition and also cause no inhibition in Rādhā or Kṛṣṇa in the midst of their līlās].”

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tāmbūlārpaṇa-pāda-mardana-payodānābhisārādibhir Read on →

he prema-sampad-atulā vraja-navya-yūnoḥ

he prema-sampad-atulā vraja-navya-yūnoḥ
prāṇādhikāḥ priya-sakhī-priya-narma-sakhyaḥ |
yuṣmākam eva caraṇābja-rajo’bhiṣekaṁ
sākṣād avāpya saphalo’stu mamaiva mūrdhā ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.26)

“O you all the wealth of whose prema for the Young Couple of Vraja is incomparable! O you all who are more dear than life! O priya-sakhīs and priya-narma-sakhīs! May my head become successful by directly receiving a shower of the dust from your very own lotus feet.”

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he prema-sampad-atulā vraja-navya-yūnoḥ Read on →

saṁsāra-duḥkha-jaladhau patitasya kāma

saṁsāra-duḥkha-jaladhau patitasya kāma-
krodhādi-nakra-makaraiḥ kavalīkṛtasya |
durvāsanā-nigaḍitasya nirāśrayasya
caitanyacandra mama dehi padāvalambam ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 54; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.8)

“O Caitanyacandra, please extend the support of your feet to I, shelterless and fettered by harmful vāsanās, who have fallen into the ocean of the suffering of saṁsāra and been seized by the crocodiles and makaras of kāma, anger, and so forth.”

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saṁsāra-duḥkha-jaladhau patitasya kāma Read on →


vṛndāvanīya-surasormi-samun-nimagnāḥ |
ye vai jagan nija-guṇaiḥ svayam āpunanti
tān vaiṣṇavāṁś ca hari-nāma-parān namāmi ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.38)

“I offer obeisance to those Vaiṣṇavas, who are devoted to Hari’s name, who directly purify the universe with their own qualities, and who are joyfully immersed in waves of excellent Vṛndāvana-related rasa within the pure ocean of the nectar of Caitanyacandra’s līlā.”

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caitanyacandra-caritāmṛta-śuddha-sindhu Read on →

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