jaya jaya rādhe ji śaraṇa tohāri
jaya jaya rādhe ji śaraṇa tohāri Read on →
tṛptāv anya-janasya tṛptim ayitā duḥkhe mahāduḥkitā
labdhaiḥ svīya-sukhāli-duḥkha-nicayair no harṣa-bādhodayāḥ |
sveṣṭārādhana-tatparā iha yathā śrī-vaiṣṇava-śreṇayaḥ
kās tā brūhi vicārya candra-vadane tā mad-vayasyā imāḥ ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 13.113)
“[Śrī Kṛṣṇa presents a riddle:]
‘They attain satisfaction from another person’s satisfaction,
Are greatly troubled by [by another person’s] trouble,
Experience no elation or misery
Because of the personal pleasures and troubles they undergo,
And are devoted to the worship of their own Iṣṭa
Like the multitudes of blessed Vaiṣṇavas here—
Consider and tell [me],
O you of moon face,
Who are they?’
[Śrī Rādhā replies:]
‘They are these friends of mine!’”
tṛptāv anya-janasya tṛptim ayitā duḥkhe mahāduḥkitā Read on →
tataḥ sā tulasī rūpa-mañjarī ca vaneśvarī |
bhakṣyāṇy urvaritāny āduḥ sevikālī-cayaiḥ samam ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 15.142)
“Then, Tulasī, Rūpa Mañjarī,
And the lordess of the forest [i.e., Vṛndā]
Ate the remaining foods
Together with the serving sakhīs.”
tataḥ sā tulasī rūpa-mañjarī ca vaneśvarī Read on →
śrī-rādhikātha sagaṇā muditopaviṣṭā
kāntādharāmṛtatayā parivāñchitāni |
śrī-rūpa-mañjarikayā ca vaneśayā ca
bhakṣyāṇi tāni bubhuje pariveśitāni ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 15.138)
“Then, Śrī Rādhikā, along with her group,
Delightedly sat and ate the foods,
Which were greatly desired
Because of [their] containing the nectar
From the lips of her beloved,
And were served by Śrī Rūpa Mañjarikā and the lordess of the forest [i.e., Vṛndā].”
śrī-rādhikātha sagaṇā muditopaviṣṭā Read on →
yātas tataḥ sa harir ambuja-mandirāntaḥ
śete’tra sat-kusuma-kalpita-talpa-madhye |
tatra priyālibhir amuṁ tulasī siṣeve ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 15.136)
“Hari then entered the Lotus Pavilion
And lay there
Atop a bed arranged with excellent flowers.
Tulasī served him there,
Along with her dear friends,
With an offering of tāmbūla,
A foot massage,
And so forth.”
yātas tataḥ sa harir ambuja-mandirāntaḥ Read on →
svāduṅkāraṁ kamala-nayanaḥ saspṛhaṁ tat-tad-annaṁ
hasta-sparśād amṛta-madhuraṁ mandamandaṁ priyāyāḥ |
tad-vāktrābja-prahita-nayana-prānta-bhṛṅgo nigūḍhaṁ
prāśnann ambā-manasi niviḍaṁ sa pramodaṁ vyatānīt ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 4.46)
“Eagerly and leisurely tasting all that food [which had been cooked by Rādhā and her sakhīs],
Sweet more so than [even] nectar
Because of the touch
Of the hand of his beloved [i.e., Rādhā],
He [i.e., Kṛṣṇa], of lotus eyes,
By whom the bees of the corners of his eyes
Were discreetly cast towards the lotus of her face,
Ate and produced deep delight
In the mind of his mother.”
svāduṅkāraṁ kamala-nayanaḥ saspṛhaṁ tat-tad-annaṁ Read on →
tad-ati-madhura-mṛdu-kānti-vikṛṣṭāḥ |
mumudur udita-pṛthu-bhāva-vihastā
ramaṇa-bhavanam adhi tāḥ puru-śastāḥ ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 4.43)
“Elated by the sight of the face
Of the beloved of their hearts,
Attracted by his exceedingly sweet, tender beauty,
And overwhelmed by abundant, elevated bhāva,
They of abounding auspiciousness [i.e., Rādhā and her sakhīs]
Delighted in the home of their lover.”
hṛdaya-dayita-mukha-vīkṣaṇa-hṛṣṭās Read on →
āsvādayantaṁ ghṛta-pakvam annaṁ
sunarmabhis tān api hāsayantam |
ālokayantaṁ nayanāñcalena
rādhānanaṁ taṁ dadṛśur mudālyaḥ ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 4.27)
“The sakhīs joyfully beheld him [i.e., Kṛṣṇa]
Relishing the food cooked in ghee,
Making them [i.e., Balarāma and his sakhās] also laugh with excellent jokes,
And beholding the face of Rādhā
From the corners of his eyes.”
āsvādayantaṁ ghṛta-pakvam annaṁ Read on →