श्रीराधाप्राणतुल्या मधुररसकथाचातुरीचित्रदक्षाः
सेवासन्तर्पितेशाः स्वसुरतविमुखा राधिकानन्दचेष्टाः ।
सर्वाः सर्वार्थसिद्धा निजगुणकरुणापूर्णमाध्वीकसारा
नर्माल्यो राधिकाया मयि कुरुतः कृपां प्रेमसेवोत्तरा याः ॥

śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-tulyā madhura-rasa-kathā-cāturī-citra-dakṣāḥ
sevā-santarpiteśāḥ svasurata-vimukhā rādhikānanda-ceṣṭāḥ |
sarvāḥ sarvārtha-siddhā nija-guṇa-karuṇā-pūrṇa-mādhvīka-sārā
narmālyo rādhikāyā mayi kurutaḥ kṛpāṁ prema-sevottarā yāḥ ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.27)

“Rādhikā’s narma-sakhīs, who are one at heart with Śrī Rādhā, who are wonderfully adept in the cleverness of discussion of madhura-rasa, who keep their Īśā [i.e., Rādhikā] fully satisfied with their service, who are averse to amour themselves [i.e., to personally engaging in amour with Kṛṣṇa], who endeavor for Rādhikā’s bliss, who are accomplished in all respects, who are filled with the essence of the nectar that is their own virtue of compassion, and who are devoted to prema-sevā—may they all bestow their grace upon me.”


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