तद्धि तत्तद्व्रजक्रीडाध्यानगानप्रधानया ।
भक्त्या सम्पद्यते प्रेष्ठनामसङ्कीर्तनोज्ज्वलम् ॥
tad dhi tat-tad-vraja-krīḍā-dhyāna-gāna-pradhānayā |
bhaktyā sampadyate preṣṭha-nāma-saṅkīrtanojjvalam ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.5.218)
“That [i.e., that prema], bright with saṅkīrtana of the names of the Beloved [i.e., the names of Bhagavān, or the names of those beloved to one’s Iṣṭadeva], is certainly manifested through bhakti predominated by meditation on and singing of the varieties of play in Vraja.”