स्त्रीपुत्रादिकथां जहुर्विषयिणः शास्त्रप्रवादं बुधा
योगीन्द्रा विजहुर्मरुन्नियमजक्लेशं तपस्तापसाः ।
ज्ञानाभ्यासविधिं जहुश्च यतयश्चैतन्यचन्द्रे परा-
माविष्कुर्वति भक्तियोगपदवीं नैवान्य आसीद्रसः ॥

strī-putrādi-kathāṁ jahur viṣayiṇaḥ śāstra-pravādaṁ budhā
yogīndrā vijahur marun-niyama-ja-kleśaṁ tapas tāpasāḥ |
jñānābhyāsa-vidhiṁ jahuś ca yatayaś caitanya-candre parām
āviṣkurvati bhakti-yoga-padavīṁ naivānya āsīd rasaḥ ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 113)

“The viṣayīs abandoned talk of their wives, sons, and so on; the intellectuals abandoned their debates regarding the śāstra, the masters of yoga abandoned the hardships produced by their practices of breath regulation, the ascetics abandoned their austerities, and the sannyāsīs abandoned their studies when Caitanyacandra revealed the highest path of bhakti-yoga. No other rasa remained.”


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