अभूद्गेहे गेहे तुमुलहरिसङ्कीर्तनरवो
बभौ देहे देहे विपुलपुलकाश्रुव्यतिकरः ।
अपि स्नेहे स्नेहे परममधुरोत्कर्षपदवी
दवीयस्याम्नायादपि जगति गौरेऽवतरति ॥
abhūd gehe gehe tumula-hari-saṅkīrtana-ravo
babhau dehe dehe vipula-pulakāśru-vyatikaraḥ |
api snehe snehe parama-madhurotkarṣa-padavī
davīyasyāmnāyād api jagati gaure’vatarati ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 114)
“From home to home, a tumult of Hari-saṅkīrtana arose; from body to body, horripilation, tears, and other transformations shone; and the supremely sweet and exalted path, which is filled with affection and extends far beyond even the Vedas, appeared in this world when Gaura descended.”