अकस्मादेवाविर्भवति भगवन्नामलहरी
परीतानां पापैरपि पुरुभिरेषां तनुभृताम् ।
अहो वज्रप्रायं हृदपि नवनीतायितमभून्
नॄणां यस्मिन्लोकेऽवतरति स गौरो मम गतिः ॥

akasmād evāvirbhavati bhagavan-nāma-laharī
parītānāṁ pāpair api purubhir eṣāṁ tanu-bhṛtām |
aho vajra-prāyaṁ hṛd api navanītāyitam abhūn
nṝṇāṁ yasmin loke’vatarati sa gauro mama gatiḥ ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 110)

“Aho! Suddenly a wave of Bhagavān’s name arose and even the thunderbolt-like hearts of embodied beings covered over by profusions of sins melted like butter when Gaura descended to this human world. My he be my shelter.”


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