श्रीराधाप्राणबन्धोश्चरण-कमलयोः केशशेषाद्यगम्या
या साध्या प्रेमसेवा व्रजचरितपरैर्गाढलौल्यैकलभ्या ।
सा स्यात्प्राप्ता यया तां प्रथयितुमधुना मानसीमस्य सेवां
भाव्यां रागाध्वपान्थैर्व्रजमनुचरितं नैत्यिकं तस्य नौमि ॥

śrī-rādhā-prāṇa-bandhoś caraṇa-kamalayoḥ keśa-śeṣādy-agamyā
yā sādhyā prema-sevā vraja-carita-parair gāḍha-laulyaika-labhyā |
sā syāt prāptā yayā tāṁ prathayitum adhunā mānasīm asya sevāṁ
bhāvyāṁ rāgādhva-pānthair vrajam anucaritaṁ naityikaṁ tasya naumi ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 1.3)

“The attainment of prema-sevā to the lotus feet of Śrī Rādhā’s Prāṇa-bandhu [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa], which is incomprehensible to Brahmā, Śiva, Śeṣa, and others, and attainable only through intense hankering by those who are devoted to the conduct of [the gopīs’ of] Vraja—to now expound mental sevā to him, [which is] to be meditated upon by the followers of the path of rāga, by which this [attainment of prema-sevā] can be attained, I offer obeisance to his daily activity in Vraja.”


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