स उत्तमश्लोक महन्मुखच्युतो
भवत्पदाम्भोजसुधाकणानिलः ।
स्मृतिं पुनर्विस्मृततत्त्ववर्त्मनां
कुयोगिनां नो वितरत्यलं वरैः ॥
sa uttamaśloka mahan-mukha-cyuto
bhavat-padāmbhoja-sudhā-kaṇānilaḥ |
smṛtiṁ punar vismṛta-tattva-vartmanāṁ
kuyogināṁ no vitaraty alaṁ varaiḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 4.20.25; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 257)
“[Mahārāja Pṛthu to Śrī Bhagavān:] O you of highest praise! The air suffused with drops of the nectar from your lotus feet and cast forth from the mouths of mahātmās confers remembrance again to faulty yogīs who have forgotten the path of Truth (Tattva). [Therefore,] Away with [other] boons.”
sva-sukhātiśayena kaivalya-sukha-tiraskārī mahatāṁ mukhād vigalito bhavat-pādāmbhoja-mādhurya-leśasyāpi sambandhī śabdātmako’nilo vismṛta-parama-tattvātmaka-tvadīya-jñānānām asmākaṁ tvadīyāṁ smṛtim api yacchati | tasmāt tathā-vidhasya tasya parama-sādhya-sādhanātmakatvād alam anyair varair ity arthaḥ |
(Excerpt from Bhakti Sandarbha: 257)
“The air filled with sound possessed of even a trace of the sweetness (mādhurya) of your lotus feet, that has issued forth from the mouth of a mahātmā and belittles the bliss of liberation (kaivalya) with its own profusion of bliss, confers remembrance of you even to us, we who have forgotten all knowledge of you who are by nature the Absolute Truth (Parama-tattva). Therefore, because of it [i.e., hearing of your glory] as such being in nature the supreme goal (sādhya) and [supreme] means (sādhana), away with other benedictions [i.e., we have no interest in any benediction other than the opportunity to further engage in such hearing]. This is the meaning.”