रागेणैवार्पितात्मानो लोकयुग्मानपेक्षिणा ।
धर्मेणास्वीकृता यास्तु परकीया भवन्ति ताः ॥

rāgeṇaivārpitātmāno loka-yugmānapekṣiṇā |
dharmeṇāsvīkṛtā yās tu parakīyā bhavanti tāḥ ||
(Ujjvala-nīlamaṇi: 3.17)

“Those [beloveds of Śrī Kṛṣṇa] who have offered themselves [to Kṛṣṇa] purely out of rāga [i.e., intense desire], are indifferent to the two worlds [i.e., their standing in this world and the next], and have not been accepted [by him] by means of dharma [but rather on account of his rāga for them] are [called] parakīyā.”


antaraṅgeṇa rāgeṇaivārpitātmāno na tu bahiraṅgeṇa vivāha-prakriyātmakena dharmeṇa | tad evaṁ mithunī-bhāve tāsāṁ rītim uktvā śrī-kṛṣṇasyāpy āha—dharmeṇa vivāhātmakenaivāsvīkṛtā nāṅgīkṛtāḥ | rāgeṇa tās tu svīkṛtā ity arthaḥ |
(Locana-rocanī-ṭīkā; Ānanda-candrikā-ṭīkā)

“[They have] Offered themselves [to Kṛṣṇa] purely out of inner rāga, and not, rather, out of the external dharma constituted of the rite of matrimony. Having thus in this way described their disposition in regard to [their] amorous inclination [towards Śrī Kṛṣṇa], he speaks also of Śrī Kṛṣṇa: they have not been accepted (asvīkṛtā) [by him] merely by means of the dharma constituted of matrimony. They have been accepted [by him, rather,] out of rāga [i.e., out of his rāga for them in reciprocation with their rāga for him]. This is the meaning.”


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