पृथे तनयपञ्चकं प्रकटमर्पयिष्यामि ते
रणोर्वरितमित्यभूत्तव यथार्थमेवोदितम् ।
रविर्भवति शीतलः कुमुदबन्धुरप्युष्णल-
स्तथापि न मुरान्तक व्यभिचरिष्णुरुक्तिस्तव ॥

pṛthe tanaya-pañcakaṁ prakaṭam arpayiṣyāmi te
raṇorvaritam ity abhūt tava yathārtham evoditam |
ravir bhavati śītalaḥ kumuda-bandhur apy uṣṇalas
tathāpi na murāntaka vyabhicariṣṇur uktis tava ||
(Unknown source; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.68)

“[Kuntī Devī to Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] Your statement, ‘O Pṛthā! I will offer your five sons returned [unscathed and exalted] from the battle directly [to you],’ has certainly come true. The sun may become cooling, and the friend of the lily [i.e., the moon] heating. Still, O Destroyer of Mura! Your word shall not prove false.”


yuddha-samāpty-anantaram āgataṁ śrī-kṛṣṇaṁ prati kunty āha—pṛtha iti |

“Kunti speaks to Śrī Kṛṣṇa, having returned after the completion of the battle [of Kurukṣetra]: pṛthe … [i.e., she speaks this verse].”

Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmīpāda cites this verse as an illustration of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s quality of truthful speech: “Syān nānṛtaṁ vaco yasya satya-vākyaḥ sa kathyate: he whose speech shall not prove untrue is called one of truthful speech (satya-vākya).”


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