प्रतिष्ठाशा धृष्टा श्वपचरमणी मे हृदि नटेत्
कथं साधुप्रेमा स्पृशति शुचिरेतन्ननु मनः ।
सदा त्वं सेवस्व प्रभुदयितसामन्तमतुलं
यथा तां निष्कास्य त्वरितमिह तं वेशयति सः ॥

pratiṣṭhāśā dhṛṣṭā śvapaca-ramaṇī me hṛdi naṭet
kathaṁ sādhu-premā spṛśati śucir etan nanu manaḥ |
sadā tvaṁ sevasva prabhu-dayita-sāmantam atulaṁ
yathā tāṁ niṣkāsya tvaritam iha taṁ veśayati saḥ ||
(Stavāvalī: Manaḥ-śikṣā, 7)

“The low-class shrew of desire for pratiṣṭhā is dancing in my heart, so how will the pure prema of the sādhus ever touch it? O mind! You should always serve the unrivaled chieftain of Prabhu’s devotee so that he will immediately banish this shrew and instill there [i.e., pure prema] therein [i.e., within your heart].”


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