
api kalpānilasyaiva taraṅgasya mahodadheḥ

api kalpānilasyaiva taraṅgasya mahodadheḥ |
śakyate prasaro roddhuṁ nānuraktasya cetasaḥ ||
(Garuḍa Purāṇa; cited in Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 2009)

“Even the course of strong winds and the waves of a great ocean can be checked, but not that of a loving heart.”

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dūrasthe’pi na dūrastho yo yasya manasi sthitaḥ

dūrasthe’pi na dūrastho yo yasya manasi sthitaḥ |
yo yasya hṛdaye nāsti samīpasthō’pi dūrataḥ ||

“Even if situated far away, one who is present in one’s heart is not situated far away. One who is not present in one’s heart is far away [however] even if situated nearby.”

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yato niryāti viṣayo yasmiñ caiva pralīyate

yato niryāti viṣayo yasmiñ caiva pralīyate |
hṛdayaṁ tad vijānīyāt manasaḥ sthiti-kāraṇam ||

“Know that from which a viṣaya (object) emerges [upon being identified and conveyed to the manas by the buddhi on the basis of one’s saṁskāras and vāsanās] and into which it disappears to be the hṛdaya (heart) [syn., citta], the cause of the manas’ (mind’s) condition.”

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antar-dhvāntacayaṁ samasta-jagatām unmūlayantī haṭhāt

antar-dhvāntacayaṁ samasta-jagatām unmūlayantī haṭhāt
premānanda-rasāmbudhiṁ niravadhiṁ prodvelayantī balāt |
viśvaṁ śītalayanty atīva vikalaṁ tāpa-trayeṇāniśaṁ
yuṣmākaṁ hṛdaye cakāstu satataṁ caitanya-candra-cchaṭā ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 17)

“May Caitanyacandra’s radiance, which forcibly uproots all darkness from the heart of the entire world, powerfully swells the boundless ocean of the rasa of prema’s bliss, and greatly soothes the world constantly dismayed by the three miseries, shine within your heart forever.”

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nitya-siddha kṛṣṇa-prema sādhya kabhu naya

nitya-siddha kṛṣṇa-prema sādhya kabhu naya |
śravaṇādi-śuddha-citte karaye udaya ||
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.104)

“Eternally existent Kṛṣṇa-prema is never something to be produced [i.e., created, lit., accomplished]. It [being eternal existent] manifests into a heart purified by śravaṇa and so forth [i.e., by the practices of sādhana-bhakti].”

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pratiṣṭhāśā dhṛṣṭā śvapaca-ramaṇī me hṛdi naṭet

pratiṣṭhāśā dhṛṣṭā śvapaca-ramaṇī me hṛdi naṭet
kathaṁ sādhu-premā spṛśati śucir etan nanu manaḥ |
sadā tvaṁ sevasva prabhu-dayita-sāmantam atulaṁ
yathā tāṁ niṣkāsya tvaritam iha taṁ veśayati saḥ ||
(Stavāvalī: Manaḥ-śikṣā, 7)

“The low-class shrew of desire for pratiṣṭhā is dancing in my heart, so how will the pure prema of the sādhus ever touch it? O mind! You should always serve the unrivaled chieftain of Prabhu’s devotee so that he will immediately banish this shrew and instill pure prema therein [i.e., within your heart].”

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