antar-dhvāntacayaṁ samasta-jagatām unmūlayantī haṭhāt
premānanda-rasāmbudhiṁ niravadhiṁ prodvelayantī balāt |
viśvaṁ śītalayanty atīva vikalaṁ tāpa-trayeṇāniśaṁ
yuṣmākaṁ hṛdaye cakāstu satataṁ caitanya-candra-cchaṭā ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 17)
“May Caitanyacandra’s radiance, which forcibly uproots all darkness from the heart of the entire world, powerfully swells the boundless ocean of the rasa of prema’s bliss, and greatly soothes the world constantly dismayed by the three miseries, shine within your heart forever.”
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