
yato niryāti viṣayo yasmiñ caiva pralīyate

yato niryāti viṣayo yasmiñ caiva pralīyate |
hṛdayaṁ tad vijānīyāt manasaḥ sthiti-kāraṇam ||

“Know that from which a viṣaya (object) emerges [upon being identified and conveyed to the manas by the buddhi on the basis of one’s saṁskāras and vāsanās] and into which it disappears to be the hṛdaya (heart) [syn., citta], the cause of the manas’ (mind’s) condition.”

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yato niryāti viṣayo yasmiñ caiva pralīyate Read on →

yadi māṁ prāptum icchanti

yadi māṁ prāptum icchanti prāpnuvanty eva nānyathā |
kalau kaluṣa-cittānāṁ vṛthāyuḥ-prabhṛtīni ca |
bhavanti varṇāśramiṇāṁ na tu mac-charaṇārthinām ||
(Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa: cited in Bhakti Sandarbha 99)

“If anyone desires to attain me, they certainly attain me. This cannot be otherwise. In [the Age of] Kali, the life and so forth [i.e., the present actions and future destiny] of those of polluted heart who adhere to varṇāśrama are fruitless, but such is not so for those who seek my shelter.”

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antar-dhvāntacayaṁ samasta-jagatām unmūlayantī haṭhāt

antar-dhvāntacayaṁ samasta-jagatām unmūlayantī haṭhāt
premānanda-rasāmbudhiṁ niravadhiṁ prodvelayantī balāt |
viśvaṁ śītalayanty atīva vikalaṁ tāpa-trayeṇāniśaṁ
yuṣmākaṁ hṛdaye cakāstu satataṁ caitanya-candra-cchaṭā ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 17)

“May Caitanyacandra’s radiance, which forcibly uproots all darkness from the heart of the entire world, powerfully swells the boundless ocean of the rasa of prema’s bliss, and greatly soothes the world constantly dismayed by the three miseries, shine within your heart forever.”

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antar-dhvāntacayaṁ samasta-jagatām unmūlayantī haṭhāt Read on →

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