पण्डिता बहवो राजन्बहुज्ञा: संशयच्छिद: ।
सदसस्पतयोऽप्येके असन्तोषात्पतन्त्यध: ॥
paṇḍitā bahavo rājan bahu-jñāḥ saṁśaya-cchidaḥ |
sadasas patayo’py eke asantoṣāt patanty adhaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 7.15.21)
“O King! Many paṇḍitas who have vast knowledge and can cut away [others’] doubts, and even numerous assembly leaders [i.e., paṇḍitas of the highest rank], fall down because of dissatisfaction [i.e., the inability to be satisfied, that is, because of greed].”