नरेष्वभीक्ष्णं मद्भ‍ावं पुंसो भावयतोऽचिरात् ।
स्पर्धासूयातिरस्कारा: साहङ्कारा वियन्ति हि ॥

nareṣv abhīkṣṇaṁ mad-bhāvaṁ puṁso bhāvayato’cirāt |
spardhāsūyā-tiraskārāḥ sāhaṅkārā viyanti hi ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.15)

[Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] “The rivalry [with peers], envy [towards superiors], and disdain [towards juniors], along with the egotism [i.e., pride in oneself], of a person who meditates on my constant presence in all human beings certainly vanishes before long.”


nareṣv īśvara-dṛṣṭiṁ kurvataḥ sadyaḥ phala-viśeṣam āha—nareṣv iti | samottama-hīneṣu spardhādayaḥ | svasminn ahaṅkāraś ca | hi niścitam | viyanti naśyanti |

“In this verse (nareṣu … ), he [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] describes the immediate, special result of fostering vision of Īśvara in human beings. Rivalry and so forth is towards peers, superiors, and juniors [i.e., rivalry is with peers, envy is towards superiors, and disdain is towards juniors]. Also, egotism (ahaṅkāra) is towards oneself. [The word] Hi means certainly. ‘Vanishes’ (viyanti) means is destroyed.

spardhādi-doṣāpagamārtham api sarvatra mad-dṛṣṭiḥ kartavyety āha—nareṣv iti | sva-tulye spardhā, svato’dhike’sūyā, svato nyūne tiraskāraḥ khalu syāt | yadi sarvatraiva māṁ paśyet tadā mayā saha kathaṁ spardhādayaḥ sambhaveyuḥ ? iti bhāvaḥ | sāhaṅkārā iti svasminn api brahma-darśanāt kutrāhaṅkāraḥ prasajjatu? iti bhāvaḥ | viyanti naśyanti |

“Vision of me everywhere is to be fostered also for the sake of the disappearance of the faults of rivalry and so forth. Thus, he [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] speaks this verse (nareṣu … ). Rivalry shall occur with someone equal to oneself, envy towards someone superior to oneself, and disdain towards someone junior to oneself. If one can see me absolutely everywhere, then how can rivalry and so forth arise [since they would be in that case arising] towards me [which is absurd]? In regard to ‘along with the egotism’ (sāhaṅkārāḥ), as a result of vision of Brahman even in oneself, how can egotism [even] be applicable [i.e., how could it even have grounds for arising]? This is the purport. ‘Vanishes’ (viyanti) means is destroyed.”


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