न यस्य जन्मकर्मभ्यां न वर्णाश्रमजातिभि: ।
सज्जतेऽस्मिन्नहम्भावो देहे वै स हरे: प्रिय: ॥

na yasya janma-karmabhyāṁ na varṇāśrama-jātibhiḥ |
sajjate’sminn aham-bhāvo dehe vai sa hareḥ priyaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.2.51; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 10.28)

“One whose sense of ‘I’ does not adhere to this body along with [its] birth [i.e., nobility] and karma [i.e., performance of austerities, japa, meditation, etc.], or [its] varṇa [e.g., being a brāhmaṇa], āśrama [e.g., being a brahmacārī], and jāti [e.g., being born to a particular set of parents, in a particular country, in a particular region, etc.], is dear to Hari.”


etābhir yasyāsmin deha ahambhāvo na sajjate, kintu bhagavat-sevaupayika-sādhya eva dehe sajjata ity arthaḥ, sa hareḥ priyo bhāgavatottama … |
(Excerpt from the Krama-sandarbha-ṭīkā)

“One whose sense of ‘I’ does not adhere to this body along with these [i.e., its birth, karma, etc.] but [rather] adheres only to the body to be attained (sādhya) [that is] conducive to service to Bhagavān, is dear to Hari, that is, is the highest of Bhāgavatas. This is the meaning.”


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