पञ्चाङ्गोपासनं भक्तैः पुरश्चरणमुच्यते ।
पूजा त्रैकालिकी नित्यं जपस्तर्पणमेव च ।
होमो ब्राह्मणभुक्तिश्च पुरश्चरणमुच्यते ॥
गुरोर्लब्धस्य मन्त्रस्य प्रसादेन यथाविधि ।
पञ्चाङ्गोपासनं सिद्ध्यै पुरश्चैतद्विधीयते ॥
निष्कामाणामनेनैव साक्षात्कारो भविष्यति ।
pañcāṅgopāsanaṁ bhaktaiḥ puraścaraṇam ucyate |
pūjā traikālikī nityaṁ japas tarpaṇam eva ca |
homo brāhmaṇa-bhuktiś ca puraścaraṇam ucyate ||
guror labdhasya mantrasya prasādena yathāvidhi |
pañcāṅgopāsanaṁ siddhyai puraś caitad vidhīyate ||
niṣkāmāṇām anenaiva sākṣātkāro bhaviṣyati |
(Agastya-saṁhitā; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 17.9, 11–13)
“Worship (upāsana) [consisting] of five parts [performed] by bhaktas is called puraścaraṇa. … Daily (1) adoration (pūjā) three times a day, (2) [daily] japa, (3) [daily] oblations (tarpaṇa), (4) [daily] fire sacrifice (homa), and (5) [daily] feeding of brāhmaṇas is called puraścaraṇa. For the purpose of sanctification (siddhi) of the mantra received by the grace of guru [at the time of dīkṣā], this worship (upāsana) [consisting] of five parts is performed beforehand according to rule [i.e., because performance (caraṇa) of this upāsanā containing five parts is done before (puras) receiving one’s desired mantra by the grace of one’s guru at the time of dīkṣā, it is called puraścaraṇa (lit., ‘that which is performed before’).] Those free from [extraneous] desire (niṣkāma) will have direct perception (sākṣātkāra) [of their mantra’s Iṣṭa-devatā] only by this [i.e, only if they properly perform puraścaraṇa].”