न विना साधनैर्देवो ज्ञानवैराग्यभक्तिभिः ।
ददाति स्वपदं श्रीमानतस्तानि बुधः श्रयेत् ॥
na vinā sādhanair devo jñāna-vairāgya-bhaktibhiḥ |
dadāti sva-padaṁ śrīmān atas tāni budhaḥ śrayet ||
(Govinda-bhāṣya on Vedānta-sūtra: 3.1.1)
“Without the means (sādhanas) of knowledge (jñāna), non-attachment (vairāgya), and devotion (bhakti), blessed Deva does not grant his own abode [alt., his feet, to anyone]. Therefore, the wise shall take shelter in those [i.e., in the sādhanas of jñāna, vairāgya, and bhakti].”