एतन्महाख्यानवरं महाहरेः
कारुण्यसारालयनिश्चयार्थकम् ।
यः श्रद्धया संश्रयते कथञ्चन
प्राप्नोति तत्प्रेम तथैव सोऽप्यरम् ॥
etan mahākhyāna-varaṁ mahā-hareḥ
kāruṇya-sārālaya-niścayārthakam |
yaḥ śraddhayā saṁśrayate kathañcana
prāpnoti tat-prema tathaiva so’py aram ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.7.160)
“Anyone who somehow [i.e., by śravaṇa, kīrtana, or otherwise] takes full shelter [i.e., becomes fully absorbed] with śraddhā in this most excellent narration—the purpose of which is determining the recipient of the essence of the great Hari’s grace—quickly attains that very prema for him [i.e., and so all the more so does one who engages in the process bhajana it describes].”
aho yathoktāśrayaṇena mahima-viśeṣa-jñānato bhajana-viśeṣa-sampattyā bhagavat-prema setsyatīti kiṁ vaktavyam | tat-tat-pratipādakaitad-granthasya śraddhā-śravaṇād api sampadyata ity āha—etad iti |
(Excerpt from the Dig-darśinī-ṭīkā)
“Aho! Bhagavat-prema becomes manifest by taking shelter as aforementioned as a result of knowledge of its special greatness through engagement in such specific bhajana. So, what [more] is to be said? It becomes manifest even [just] by hearing with śraddhā this text describing all of this. Thus, this verse is spoken.”