एषा बुद्धिमतां बुद्धिर्मनीषा च मनीषिणाम् ।
यत्सत्यमनृतेनेह मर्त्येनाप्नोति मामृतम् ॥

eṣā buddhimatāṁ buddhir manīṣā ca manīṣiṇām |
yat satyam anṛteneha martyenāpnoti māmṛtam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.29.22)

“This is the intelligence of the intelligent, and the cleverness of the clever: here with that which is unreal and mortal [i.e., the material body], one attains me, who am real and immortal.”


According to Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī, “real” (satyam) means the cause of all existence and “immortal” (amṛtam) means the cause of all bliss.

sarvopadeśa-sāro’yaṁ śloka-cintāmaṇiḥ prabhoḥ |
hṛdaye yasya rājeta sa rājed bhakta-saṁsadi ||

“This wish-fulfilling verse from Prabhu is the essence of all instructions. One in whose heart it shines shines in the assembly of bhaktas.”


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