योऽन्धीकृत्य कुतर्कघूकपटलीमज्ञानमोहान्धहृत्
संनुदंश्च कुकर्मजाड्यमभितो हृत्पद्ममुल्लासयन् ।
स त्वं श्रीगुरुदेव पाहि पतितं मां दीनमन्धं जनम् ॥

yo’ndhīkṛtya kutarka-ghūka-paṭalīm ajñāna-mohāndha-hṛt
saṁnudaṁś ca kukarma-jāḍyam abhito hṛt-padmam ullāsayan |
rādhā-mādhava-gūḍha-rūpa-saraṇīm udbhāṣayan bhāskaraḥ
sa tvaṁ śrī-gurudeva pāhi patitaṁ māṁ dīnam andhaṁ janam ||
(Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 1.48)

“He who blinds the owls of sophistry,
Removes the darkness of ignorance and delusion,
Dispels the dullness of misdeeds,
Causes the lotus of the heart to bloom completely,
And illuminates the path
To the confidential forms of Rādhā and Mādhava—
May you, that sun, O Śrī Gurudeva,
Please protect me,
A fallen, lowly, and blind person.”


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