maṅgala-ārati yugala-kiśora
A maṅgalārati song for Śrī Śrī Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa
By Śrī Śyāmānanda Prabhu
মঙ্গল-আরতি যুগল-কিশোর ।
জয় জয় করতহিঁ সখিগণ ভোর ॥১॥
maṅgala-ārati yugala-kiśora |
jaya jaya karatahi̐ sakhi-gaṇa bhora ||1||
Glory! Glory to the auspicious ārati of the Adolescent Couple!
The sakhīs perform it absorbed!
Commentary: A common variant of jaya jaya karatahi̐ sakhi-gaṇa bhora reads maṅgala sakhī-gaṇa jorahi̐ jora, “The auspicious sakhīs united together …” and serves as the subject for the verb and object stated in the the following verse.
রতন-প্রদীপ করে টলমল থোর ।
নিরখত মুখ-বিধু শ্যাম সুগৌর ॥২॥
ratana-pradīpa kare ṭalamala thora |
nirakhata mukha-vidhu śyāma sugaura ||2||
They offer a jeweled lamp,
Trembling slightly,
And behold the moons of the faces
Of Śyāma and Sugaura!
Commentary: Śyāma refers to he of swarthy complexion, Śrī Kṛṣṇa, and Sugaura to she of fine fairness, or, golden complexion, Śrī Rādhikā.
ললিতা বিশাখা সখি প্রেমে আগোর ।
করু নিরমঞ্ছন দোহেঁ দুহুঁ ভোর ॥৩॥
lalitā viśākhā sakhi preme āgora |
karu niramañchana dohe̐ duhu̐ bhora ||3||
Lalitā and Viśākhā Sakhī,
Overwhelmed with prema,
Worship the Pair,
The Two of them absorbed!
Commentary: A common variant of sakhī is ādi, in which case the sense is, “Lalitā, Viśākhā, and so forth [i.e., and the other sakhīs], overwhelmed with prema, ….”
বৃন্দাবন-কুঞ্জ-ভবন উজোর ।
নিরুপম যুগল-মুরতি বনি জোর ॥৪॥
vṛndāvana-kuñja-bhavana ujora |
nirupama yugala-murati vani jora ||4||
The arbor cottage in Vṛndāvana is resplendent!
The incomparable figures of the Couple shine brightly!
Commentary: A common variant of vṛndāvana-kuñja-bhavana ujora reads vṛndāvana-kuñjahi bhuvana ujora, “The cottage in Vṛndāvana is resplendent throughout the world!”A common variant of nirupama yugala-murati vani jora reads murati manohara yugala-kiśora, “The figures of the Adolescent Couple are captivating!”
গাওত শুক পিকু নাচত মোর ।
চাঁদ উপেখি মুখ নিরখে চকোর ॥৫॥
gāota śuka piku nācata mora |
cā̐da upekhi mukha nirakhe cakora ||5||
The parrots and cuckoos sing!
The peacocks dance!
The cakoras ignore the moon
And behold the faces [of the Couple]!
বাজত বিবিধ যন্ত্র ঘন ঘোর ।
শ্যামানন্দ আনন্দে বাজায়ত তোর ॥৬॥
bājata vividha yantra ghana ghora |
śyāmānanda ānande bājāyata tora ||6||
Various instruments resound sonorously!
And Śyāmānanda, in bliss, plays the tora.
Commentary: A tora, also known as a turī, is a traditional brass pipe somewhat similar to a clarinet. A common variant of śyāmānanda ānande bājāyata tora reads śyāmānanda ānande bājāya jaya tora, “And Śyāmānanda, in bliss, plays the tora of victory.”
Pada-kalpa-taru: 2843 (