भक्तिरस्य भजनम् | तदिहामुत्रोपाधिनैरास्येनामुष्मिन्मनःकल्पनम् | एतदेव च नैष्कर्म्यम् ||

bhaktir asya bhajanam | tad ihāmutropādhi-nairāsyenāmuṣmin manaḥ-kalpanam | etad eva ca naiṣkarmyam ||
(Gopāla-tāpanī Upaniṣad: Pūrva, 14; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 1.166; Bhakti Sandarbha 169, 234)

“Bhakti is service (bhajana) to him [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa]. It is engaging in [alt., offering to] him [along with the other senses] the mind free from all upādhis [i.e., material desires, forms of conditioning, etc.] related to this world and the next [i.e., engaging in hearing, praising, remembering, and so forth in relation to him]. And this is indeed [secondarily] naiṣkarmya [i.e., mukti, or jñāna; lit., exoneration from and transcendence of karma].”


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