यावत्पापैस्तु मलिनं हृदयं तावदेव हि ।
न शास्त्रे सत्यबुद्धिः स्यात्सद्बुद्धिः सद्गुरौ तथा ॥
अनेकजन्मजनितपुण्यराशिफलं महत् ।
सत्सङ्गशास्त्रश्रवणादेव प्रेमादि जायते ॥

yāvat pāpais tu malinaṁ hṛdayaṁ tāvad eva hi |
na śāstre satya-buddhiḥ syāt sad-buddhiḥ sad-gurau tathā ||
aneka-janma-janita-puṇya-rāśi-phalaṁ mahat |
sat-saṅga-śāstra-śravaṇād eva premādi jāyate ||
(Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 1)

“As long as the heart is polluted by sins, conviction in the truthfulness of the śāstra and conviction in the truthfulness of a true guru does not come about. Prema and so forth, which are the ultimate result of the accumulation of merit [i.e., engagement in practices of bhakti] created over the course of many births, manifest only by hearing śāstra in the association of sādhus.”


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