यैरेतत्परिपीयते हृदि लसत्तृष्णातिरेकान्मुहु-
र्ब्रह्माद्यैरपि दुर्गमं व्रजविधोर्लीलामृतं राधया ।
वृन्दारण्यविलासिनीकुमुदिनीवृन्दस्य बन्धुर्व्रजे
कारुण्यादचिरेण वाञ्छिततमं तेषां तनोतु स्वयम् ॥

yair etat paripīyate hṛdi lasat tṛṣṇātirekān muhur
brahmādyair api durgamaṁ vraja-vidhor līlāmṛtaṁ rādhayā |
vṛndāraṇya-vilāsinī-kumudinī-vṛndasya bandhur vraje
kāruṇyād acireṇa vāñchita-tamaṁ teṣāṁ tanotu svayam ||
(Govinda-līlāmṛta: 23.96)

[Kṛṣṇadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī confers a blessing upon readers of Govinda-līlāmṛta at the end of the text and thereby illustrates the ultimate aim and result of relishing the text:] “May the friend of the lilies of the charming women in the forest of Vṛndā in Vraja [i.e., Śrī Kṛṣṇa] out of compassion, personally, and without delay bestow that which is desired most [i.e., prema-sevā] upon those by whom this līlāmṛta [i.e., this text Govinda-līlāmṛta, and alt., this nectar of the līlā] of [he] the moon of Vraja with Rādhā, although inaccessible even to Brahmā and others, is continuously imbibed in full out of an abundance of thirst rollicking in the heart.”


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