
preyāṁs te’haṁ tvam api ca mama preyasīti pravādas

preyāṁs te’haṁ tvam api ca mama preyasīti pravādas
tvaṁ me prāṇā aham api tavāsmīti hanta pralāpaḥ |
tvaṁ me te syām aham iti yat tac ca no sādhu rādhe
vyāhāre nau na hi samucito yuṣmad-asmat-prayogaḥ ||
(Alaṅkāra-kaustubha: 5.27)

“‘[Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] [Our saying,] “I am your lover and you are my beloved” is [just] prattle. Oh! “You are my prāṇas and I am yours” is [just] chatter. O Rādhe! [Even] “You are mine and I am yours” is not correct, since usage [even] of [the words] “you” and “I” in our speech is not befitting.’

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ekadā kṛṣṇa-patnyas tu śrī-kṛṣṇa-virahāturāḥ

ekadā kṛṣṇa-patnyas tu śrī-kṛṣṇa-virahāturāḥ |
kālindīṁ muditā vīkṣya papracchur gata-matsarāḥ ||
śrī-kṛṣṇa-patnya ūcuḥ |
yathā vayaṁ kṛṣṇa-patnyas tathā tvam api śobhane |
vayaṁ viraha-duḥkhārtās tvaṁ na kālindi tad vada ||
tac chrutvā smayamānā sā kālindī vākyam abravīt |
sāpatnyaṁ vīkṣya tat tāsāṁ karuṇāpara-mānasā ||
śrī-kālindy uvāca |
ātmārāmasya kṛṣṇasya dhruvam ātmāsti rādhikā |
tasyā dāsya-prabhāveṇa viraho’smān na saṁspṛśet ||
tasyā evāṁśa-vistārāḥ sarvāḥ śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāyikāḥ |
nitya-sambhoga evāsti tasyāḥ sāmmukhya-yogataḥ ||
(Skanda Purāṇa: Vaiṣṇava-khaṇḍa, Bhāgavata-māhātmya, 2.8–12)

“Once, wives of Kṛṣṇa who were distressed in separation from Śrī Kṛṣṇa [and had come to Śrī Vṛndāvana] saw Kālindī [i.e., Yamunā Devī] delighted, and been covetous, inquired [from her]. Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s wives said, ‘As we are wives of Kṛṣṇa, so too are you, O splendid one. We are stricken with sorrow in separation, but you are not, O Kālindī. Please explain this.’ Hearing this [inquiry], observing their rivalry [towards her as a co-wife], and being of compassionate mind towards them, she, Kālindī, smiling, spoke this statement [to them]. Śrī Kālindī said, ‘Rādhikā is the eternal self (ātmā) of Kṛṣṇa, he whose joy is in the self [i.e., he who is known to be ātmārāma]. By the influence of service to her, separation [from Kṛṣṇa] cannot touch us. All of Śrī Kṛṣṇa’s mistresses (nāyikās) are extensions of a part of her alone. There is certainly perpetual union [with Kṛṣṇa] (nitya-sambhoga) as a result of being present before her [alt., as a result of her favor, or, as a result of attentive service to her].”

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tasmin śrī-hari-rādhayor yugalitaṁ yad bhāti kuṇda-dvayaṁ

tasmin śrī-hari-rādhayor yugalitaṁ yad bhāti kuṇda-dvayaṁ
saṁsaṅgena parasparaṁ parimalān manye tayos tan-miṣam |
premāsīt prakaṭaṁ yataḥ
śvasanakaiḥ kampānvitaṁ jāḍya-yug
bhaktārdra-sthiti-kṛc ca tad ghana-rasākāraṁ darīdṛśyate ||
(Gopāla-campū: 1.9)

“The united pair of Śrī Hari and Rādhā’s kuṇḍas
Which shine there [i.e., at Govardhana]—
On account of the fragrance (parimala) [arising] from meeting one another [as their garlands are crushed against each other],
I consider that their [i.e., Rādhā and Śrī Hari’s] prema [for one another]
Has manifested on this pretext [i.e., in the forms of these kuṇḍas]
Since that [i.e., their prema] is fully visible [in these kuṇḍas]
In the form of water (ghana-rasa)
Which is filled with wavering (kampānvitaṁ)
Because of the winds (śvasanakaiḥ),
Possessed of coolness (jāḍya-yug),
And a cause of wetness (ārdra-stithi) for bhaktas [who bathe in them]
[Alt., I consider that their prema has manifested in the forms of these kuṇḍas]
Since their prema is experienced at the site of these kuṇḍas
In the form of thick rasa (ghana-rasa)
Which leads to one becoming filled with trembling (kampānvitaṁ)
As a result of breathing heavily (śvasanakaiḥ),
Creates stupor (jāḍya-yug),
And causes meltedness (ārdra-stithi) [of the heart] of bhaktas.”

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vidyud-ghanāṅgau ghana-vidyud-ambarau

vidyud-ghanāṅgau ghana-vidyud-ambarau
nisarga-manda-smita-sundarānanau |
mithaḥ kaṭākṣāśuga-kīlitāntarau
rādhā-mukundau praṇamāmi tau mudā ||
(Unknown source; cited in Sādhana-dīpikā: 2)

“Lightning and cloud figures,
Cloud and lighting garments,
Naturally and mildly smiling, beautiful faces,
Hearts pierced by the arrows
Of one another’s side-long glances—
Joyfully I offer obeisance to them,
Rādhā and Mukunda.”

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