वस्त्वेकमेव दुःखाय सुखायेर्ष्यागमाय च ।
कोपाय च यतस्तस्मादस्तु वस्त्वात्मकं कुतः ॥
तदेव प्रीतये भूत्वा पुनर्दुःखाय जायते ।
तदेव कोपाय यतः प्रसादाय च जायते ॥
तस्माद्दुःखात्मकं नास्ति न च किञ्चित्सुखात्मकम् ।
मनसः परिणामोऽयं सुखदुःखादिलक्षणः ॥

vastv ekam eva duḥkhāya sukhāyerṣyāgamāya ca |
kopāya ca yatas tasmād astu vastv-ātmakaṁ kutaḥ ||
tad eva prītaye bhūtvā punar duḥkhāya jāyate |
tad eva kopāya yataḥ prasādāya ca jāyate ||
tasmād duḥkhātmakaṁ nāsti na ca kiñcit sukhātmakam |
manasaḥ pariṇāmo’yaṁ sukha-duḥkhādi-lakṣaṇaḥ ||
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa: 2.6.47–49)

“Since one selfsame object leads to suffering and to happiness, to the appearance of malice and to anger [depending on the time, place, observer, and so forth of the object], how could it [i.e., any particular object, such as a garland] be constituted of an essential property [i.e., how could it be inherently possessed of a property that gives rise to suffering, or happiness, or anything else specifically otherwise]? Since that itself [i.e., any one particular selfsame object] leads to pleasure and then leads to suffering, and that itself [i.e., that particular object] leads to anger and then to tranquillity, it is not constituted of suffering, and it is not constituted of happiness at all. These characteristics of happiness, suffering, and so on are [only] transformations [i.e., various states] of the mind.”


manasaḥ pariṇāmaḥ svapna-manorathādivan-mano-vilāsa-mātra ity arthaḥ |
(Excerpt from the Ātma-prakāśa-ṭīkā of Śrī Śrīdhara Svāmīpāda)

“‘Transformations of the mind’ (manasaḥ pariṇāmaḥ) refers to mere sports of the mind like dreams, desires, and so on.”


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