तं गोरजश्छुरितकुन्तलबद्धबर्ह-
वन्यप्रसूनरुचिरेक्षणचारुहासम् ।
गोप्यो दिदृक्षितदृशोऽभ्यगमन् समेता: ॥
taṁ gorajaś-churita-kuntala-baddha-barha-
vanya-prasūna-rucirekṣaṇa-cāru-hāsam |
veṇum kvaṇantam anugair upagīta-kīrtiṁ
gopyo didṛkṣita-dṛśo’bhyagaman sametāḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.15.42; cited in Prīti Sandarbha: 315)
“The assembled gopīs came forward, their eyes desiring to see him playing the flute with charming glances and a lovely smile as his glories are sung by his companions and his hair bound with a peacock feather and forest flowers is covered with dust raised by the cows.”