
pītvā mukunda-mukha-sāragham akṣi-bhṛṅgais

pītvā mukunda-mukha-sāragham akṣi-bhṛṅgais
tāpaṁ jahur viraha-jaṁ vraja-yoṣito’hni |
tat satkṛtiṁ samadhigamya viveśa goṣṭhaṁ
savrīḍa-hāsa-vinayaṁ yad apāṅga-mokṣam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.15.43; cited in Prīti Sandarbha: 315)

“Drinking the honey from the face of Mukunda with the bees of their eyes, the women of Vraja gave up the sorrow produced by separation during the day. Accepting their excellent reception in the form of casting sidelong glances with bashful smiles and modesty, he entered his abode.”

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taṁ gorajaś-churita-kuntala-baddha-barha

taṁ gorajaś-churita-kuntala-baddha-barha-
vanya-prasūna-rucirekṣaṇa-cāru-hāsam |
veṇum kvaṇantam anugair upagīta-kīrtiṁ
gopyo didṛkṣita-dṛśo’bhyagaman sametāḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.15.42)

“The assembled gopīs came forward, their eyes desiring to see him playing the flute with charming glances and a lovely smile as his glories are sung by his companions and his hair bound with a peacock feather and forest flowers is covered with dust raised by the cows.”

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