तदेवं शरणापत्तिर्विवृता । अस्याश्चापूर्वत्वं तां विना तदीयत्वासिद्धेः ।

tad evaṁ śaraṇāpattir vivṛtā |
asyāś cāpūrvatvaṁ tāṁ vinā tadīyatvāsiddheḥ |
(Bhakti Sandarbha: 237)

“Thus, in this way, śaraṇāpatti [i.e., śaraṇāgati] has been described. And its incomparability [lit., “unprecedentedness”] is because of the non-establishment of being his own without it [i.e., one does not attain the actual feeling of belonging to Bhagavān, and Bhagavān does not actually consider one his own, that is, as one of his bhaktas, without śaraṇāgati].”


There is a variant reading of cāpūrvatvaṁ as ca pūrvatvaṁ. In this case, the meaning is: “And its precedence [i.e., its being first and foremost, fundamental to all else] is because of the non-establishment of being his own without it.”


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