रुन्धन्नम्बुभृतश्चमत्कृतिपरं कुर्वन्मुहुस्तुम्बुरुं
ध्यानादन्तरयन्सनन्दनमुखान्विस्मापयन्वेधसम् ।
औत्सुक्यावलिभिर्बलिं चटुलयन्भोगीन्द्रमाघूर्णय-
न्भिन्दन्नण्डकटाहभित्तिमभितो बभ्राम वंशीध्वनिः ॥

rundhann ambu-bhṛtaś camatkṛti-paraṁ kurvan muhus tumburuṁ
dhyānād antarayan sanandana-mukhān vismāpayan vedhasam |
autsukyāvalibhir baliṁ caṭulayan bhogīndram āghūrṇayan
bhindann aṇḍa-kaṭāha-bhittim abhito babhrāma vaṁśī-dhvaniḥ ||
(Vidagdha-mādhava: 1.27; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 3.1.164)

“Stopping the clouds, repeatedly astonishing Tumburu [i.e., the king of the Gandharvas], breaking the meditation of those led by Sanandana [i.e., the foremost sages], amazing Brahmā [i.e., the emanator of the universe], exciting Bali with curiosity and joy, spinning around Bhogīndra [i.e., Ananta Śeṣa], and penetrating the coverings of the universe, the sound of the vaṁśī spread everywhere.”


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