नित्यो नित्यानां चेतनश्चेतनाना-
मेको बहूनां यो विदधाति कामान् ।
तं पीठगं येऽनुभजन्ति धीरा-
स्तेषां सुखं शाश्वतं नेतरेषाम् ॥
nityo nityānāṁ cetanaś cetanānām
eko bahūnāṁ yo vidadhāti kāmān |
taṁ pīṭhagaṁ ye’nubhajanti dhīrās
teṣāṁ sukhaṁ śāśvataṁ netareṣām ||
(Gopāla Tāpanī Upaniṣad: 1.20; cited in Kṛṣṇa Sandarbha 106)
“The Eternal among eternals, the Conscious Being among conscious beings, although one, fulfills the desires of the multitudes. The joy [i.e., siddhi, attainment] of the resolute who worship him situated at the [yoga-] pītha is ever-lasting; that of others is not.”
Śrī Jīva Gosvāmī comments to the effect that other beings are eternal because of his eternality and conscious because of his consciousness. ‘Resolute’ (dhīrās) means single-minded (ekāgra-citta), and ‘joy’ (sukhaṁ) refers to siddhi [i.e., attainment] which is of the nature of eternal bliss (nityānandātmikā siddhir). “Others” refers to those devoid of bhakti.