माथुरानुगृहीतार्य विप्रवंशाब्धिचन्द्रमः ।
क्षेमं श्रीजनशर्मांस्ते कच्चिद्राजति सर्वतः ॥
क्षेमं सपरिवारस्य मम त्वदनुभावतः ।
त्वत्कृपाकृष्टचित्तोऽस्मि नित्यं त्वद्वर्त्मवीक्षकः ॥
दिष्ट्या स्मृतोऽस्मि भवता दिष्ट्या दृष्टश्चिरादसि ।
स्वाधीनोऽस्मि तव ब्रह्मन्रमस्वात्र यदृच्छया ॥
māthurānugṛhītārya vipra-vaṁśābdhi-candramaḥ |
kṣemaṁ śrī-jana-śarmāṁs te kaccid rājati sarvataḥ ||
kṣemaṁ sa-parivārasya mama tvad-anubhāvataḥ |
tvat-kṛpākṛṣṭa-citto’smi nityaṁ tvad-vartma-vīkṣakaḥ ||
diṣṭyā smṛto’smi bhavatā diṣṭyā dṛṣṭaś cirād asi |
svādhīno’smi tava brahman ramasvātra yadṛcchayā ||
(Bṛhad Bhāgavatāmṛta: 2.7.39)
[Bhagavān to Janaśarmā:] “O blessed noble of Mathurā, you are the moon of the ocean of the dynasty of brāhmaṇas. O Śrī Janaśarmā, are you indeed well in all respects? I along with my family am well by your influence. My heart is attracted by your grace, and I always look towards your path [i.e., towards the path by which you arrive to see me, wondering, ‘When will you arrive?’]. By [my] good fortune, I am remembered by you, and by [my] good fortune, you are seen by me [today] after so long. O brāhmaṇa, I am completely dependent upon you. Please enjoy here [with me] as you wish.”