को नु राजन्निन्द्रियवान्मुकुन्दचरणाम्बुजम् ।
न भजेत्सर्वतोमृत्युरुपास्यममरोत्तमैः ॥
ko nu rājann indriyavān mukunda-caraṇāmbujam |
na bhajet sarvato-mṛtyur upāsyam amarottamaiḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.2.2)
“O King! Indeed who possessed of senses and subject to death from every quarter would not worship the lotus feet of Mukunda, which are the object of worship of [even] the foremost of the immortals?”
yad bhajane muktānām apīdṛśam autsukyaṁ taṁ ko nāma na bhajed ity āha—ko nv iti | indriyavān iti | indriyavattva-mātram eva yatrādhikāri-viśeṣaṇam ity arthaḥ | sarvataḥ sarveṣv api lokeṣu mṛtyur yasya saḥ |
“Indeed, who would not worship he for whose worship even the liberated have such eagerness? Thus, he [i.e., Śrī Śuka] speaks this verse (ko nu …). Regarding, ‘possessed of senses’ (indriyavān)—just being possessed of senses alone here is the qualifier of the adhikārī [i.e., the adhikārī for bhakti]. This is the meaning [i.e., anyone who has senses is eligible to engage in the worship of Śrī Bhagavān]. [‘Subject to death from every quarter’ (sarvato-mṛtyur) means] One whose death can arise from every quarter, that is, in all planes of existence.”
yad-bhajane muktānām apīdṛśam ausukyaṁ taṁ baddhaḥ khalu ko nu na bhajed ity āha—ko nv iti | indriyavān iti śrotrādīndriyavattve eva tad-bhajane’dhikāra iti bhāvaḥ | na kevalam īśitavyā jīvā eva taṁ bhajanti, kintv amarottamai rudrādyair api |
“Indeed what bound being would not worship he for whose worship even the liberated have such eagerness? Thus, he [i.e., Śrī Śuka] speaks this verse (ko nu …). Regarding, ‘possessed of senses’ (indriyavān)—just being possessed of senses such as ears is the adhikāra for his worship. This is the purport [i.e., anyone who has senses is eligible to engage in the worship of Śrī Bhagavān]. [And] not only jīvas subject to rule worship him. Rather, [he is worshiped] even by the best of the immortals, that is, Rudra and so forth.”