जाते नामापराधेऽपि प्रमादेन कथञ्चन ।
सदा सङ्कीर्तयन्नाम तदेकशरणो भवेत् ॥
jāte nāmāparādhe’pi pramādena kathañcana |
sadā saṅkīrtayan nāma tad-eka-śaraṇo bhavet ||
(Padma Purāṇa: 4.25.22; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 11.525)
“Even when an offense to the name occurs somehow out of negligence, one should become one whose sole shelter is that [i.e., is the name] and constantly chant the name.”
kathañcana pramādena bhrameṇa jāte sati tat nāmaiva ekaṁ śaraṇam āśrayo yasya tathā, tathābhūto bhavet, sarvathā nāma-paro bhaved ity arthaḥ |
“When [an offense] occurs somehow out of negligence, that is, by mistake, then one should become one whose sole shelter is the name alone, meaning, one should be absorbed in the name at all times.”