इति जातसुनिर्वेद: क्षणसङ्गेन साधुषु ।
गङ्गाद्वारमुपेयाय मुक्तसर्वानुबन्धन: ॥
iti jāta-sunirvedaḥ kṣaṇa-saṅgena sādhuṣu |
gaṅgā-dvāram upeyāya mukta-sarvānubandhanaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 6.2.39)
“Thus possessed of complete disinterest [in saṁsāra] by [just] a moment of association with sādhus, he [i.e., Ajāmila] went to Gaṅgādvāra [i.e., Haridvāra], free from all connections [i.e., attachment to wife, sons, and so forth].”
evaṁ sādhu-saṅgama-paryantaṁ nāmnaḥ phalam uktvā sādhu-saṅgasya ca phala-viśeṣam āha—itīti | jātaḥ suṣṭhu bhagavad-bhakty-utpādana-pūrvatvena nirvedo yasya saḥ |
(Krama-sandarbha-ṭīkā on Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 6.2.39)
“In this way, having stated that the benefits of [chanting] the name extend up to [attainment of] association with sādhus [in previous verses], the specific benefit of association with sādhus is also stated in this verse (iti …). He who was possessed of complete disinterest preceded by a manifestation of bhakti to Bhagavān [as a result of sādhu-saṅga] … [is the implied sense].”