गुरुपादाश्रयस्तस्मात्कृष्णदीक्षादिशिक्षणम् ।
विश्रम्भेण गुरोः सेवा साधुवर्त्मानुवर्तनम् ॥ …
त्रयां प्रधानमेवोक्तं गुरुपादाश्रयादिकम् ।
guru-pādāśrayas tasmāt kṛṣṇa-dīkṣādi-śikṣaṇam |
viśrambheṇa guroḥ sevā sādhu-vartmānuvartanam || …
trayāṁ pradhānam evoktaṁ guru-pādāśrayādikam |
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.74, 83)
“(1) [Taking] Shelter at the feet of guru; (2) [receiving] instruction [from guru] beginning with Kṛṣṇa-mantra-dīkṣā; (3) serving guru with confidence; (4) following the path of the sādhus. … The three [practices] beginning with [taking] shelter at the feet of guru [amongst the sixty-four listed] are said to be principal.”