मुदा गोपेन्द्रस्यात्मजभुजपरिष्वङ्गनिधये
स्फुरद्गोपीवृन्दैर्यमिह भगवन्तं प्रणयिभिः ।
भजद्भिस्तैर्भक्त्या स्वमभिलषितं प्राप्तमचिरा-
द्यमीतीरे गोपीश्वरमनुदिनं तं किल भजे ॥
mudā gopendrasyātmaja-bhuja-pariṣvaṅga-nidhaye
sphurad-gopī-vṛndair yam iha bhagavantaṁ praṇayibhiḥ |
bhajadbhis tair bhaktyā svam abhilaṣitaṁ prāptam acirād
yamī-tīre gopīśvaram anudinaṁ taṁ kila bhaje ||
(Stavāvalī: Vraja-vilāsa-stava, 87)
“On the bank of Yama’s Twin,
Assuredly I daily worship him,
The lord who
For the sake of [attaining] a jewel—
The embrace of the arms
Of the Son of the gopa’s king—
Was joyfully worshiped
With bhakti here [i.e., in Vṛndāvana]
By those shining gopīs full of love,
Who quickly attained their desired object.”
taṁ gopīśvaraṁ bhagavantam anudinaṁ prati dinaṁ kila sānunayaṁ yamī-tīre yamunā-taṭe bhaje vrajāṅganānāṁ tat-tad-abhīṣṭa-pūraṇam iva mama tādṛg-abhīṣṭaṁ pūrayituṁ seve |
(Excerpt from the ṭīkā by Śrī Baṅga-vihārī Vidyālaṅkara)
“On the bank of the Yamunā (yamī-tīre), assuredly (kila), that is, courteously, I daily (anudinaṁ) worship (bhaje) him (taṁ), the lord (bhagavantam), Gopīśvara; as he fulfills the desired objects of the ladies of Vraja, [so] I serve [him] to fulfill my alike desired object.”