अथ स्वार्पणविधिः—
अहं भगवतोऽंशोऽस्मि सदा दासोऽस्मि सर्वथा ।
तत्कृपापेक्षको नित्यमित्यात्मानं समर्पयेत् ॥
atha svārpaṇa-vidhiḥ—
ahaṁ bhagavato’ṁśo’smi sadā dāso’smi sarvathā |
tat-kṛpāpekṣako nityam ity ātmānaṁ samarpayet ||
(Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 8.418)
“Now, the method of offering the self [is explained; one should meditate]: ‘I am a part of Bhagavān. I am forever a servant [of him] in all respects. I am always a seeker of his grace.’ In this way, one should fully offer oneself.”
aṁśo’smi ity anena nitya-mukta-śuddha-svabhāvatvādikam, ataḥ sadā dāso’smīti nitya-dāsyaṁ cābhipretam | evaṁ sarva-prakāreṇa; yad vā, tathāpi sarvathā yā tasya bhagavataḥ kṛpā, tasyā apekṣakaḥ, tad-eka-prārthaka iti prema-paratā sūcitā | iti evam evātmānaṁ samyag arpayet, na tv aikyenety arthaḥ ||
“‘I am a part (aṁśo’smi) [of Bhagavān]’—by this [statement, a jīva’s] being [constituted] of an eternal, liberated, and pure nature and so forth [is indicated]. Thus, [by the statement,] ‘I am forever a servant’ (sadā dāso’smi), eternal servitude (nitya-dāsyam) [to Bhagavān] is also intended, and this is so in all respects [i.e., the word sarvathā, ‘in all respects,’ in the verse is read here in regard to the phrase, ‘I am forever a servant’ (sadā dāso’smi)]. Alternately, [the word sarvathā, ‘in all respects,’ is read in regard to the following statement in the verse, and thus the sense is as follows:] still, in all respects, of that grace which is his, meaning, Bhagavān’s, I am a seeker (apekṣakaḥ), meaning, [I am] a desirer [alt., beggar] (prārthaka) solely of that [i.e., of Bhagavān’s grace]. Thus, being absorbed in prema [for Bhagavān] (prema-paratā) is intimated. In this way specifically, one should offer oneself in full, and not, rather, by means of oneness [i.e., by means of conceiving of oneself as being one with Bhagavān or Brahman in every respect]. This is the meaning.”