ये कृष्णभक्तमुरलीनादाद्या हेतवो रतेः ।
कार्यभूताः स्मिताद्याश्च तथाष्टौ स्तब्धतादयः ॥
निर्वेदाद्याः सहायाश्च ते ज्ञेया रसभावने ।
विभावा अनुभावाश्च सात्त्विका व्यभिचारिणः ॥

ye kṛṣṇa-bhakta-muralī-nādādyā hetavo rateḥ |
kārya-bhūtāḥ smitādyāś ca tathāṣṭau stabdhatādayaḥ ||
nirvedādyāḥ sahāyāś ca te jñeyā rasa-bhāvane |
vibhāvā anubhāvāś ca sāttvikā vyabhicāriṇaḥ ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.1.12–13)

“The causes of rati—Kṛṣṇa, the bhakta, the sound of the muralī, and so forth; the effects [of rati]—smiling and so forth, and the eight beginning with stupor; and the assistants [of rati]—self-disparagement and so on—these are to be known [respectively] in the production of rasa as the vibhāvas, anubhāvas, sāttvikas [i.e., sāttvika-bhāvas], and vyabhicāris [i.e., vyabhicāri-bhāvas].”


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