yady api samādhiṣu vidhir api

A prayer to fix the mind upon the lotus feet of Śrī Kṛṣṇa

By Gauḍīya–Vaiṣṇavācārya-varya Śrīmad Rūpa Gosvāmīpāda

Excerpt from Stava-mālā: Gītāvalī, 25.

यद्यपि समाधिषु विधिरपि पश्यति न तव नखाग्रमरीचिम् ।
इदमिच्छामि निशम्य तवाच्युत तदपि कृपाद्भुतवीचिम् ॥१॥

yady api samādhiṣu vidhir api paśyati na tava nakhāgra-marīcim |
idam icchāmi niśamya tavācyuta tad api kṛpādbhuta-vīcim ||1||

O Acyuta! Although in samādhi even Brahmā does not see a ray of the light from the tips of your toes, still I desire this, having heard of the waves of your astonishing mercy.

देव भवन्तं वन्दे ।
मन्मानसमधुकरमर्पय निजपदपङ्कजमकरन्दे ॥ध्रुव॥

deva bhavantaṁ vande |
man-mānasa-madhukaram arpaya nija-pada-paṅkaja-makarande ||dhruva||

O Deva, I offer obeisance to you. Please place the bee of my heart in the nectar of your lotus feet.

भक्तिरुदञ्चति यद्यपि माधव न त्वयि मम तिलमात्री ।
परमेश्वरता तदपि तवाधिकदुर्घटघटनविधात्री ॥२॥

bhaktir udañchati yady api mādhava na tvayi mama tila-mātrī |
parameśvaratā tad api tavādhika-durghaṭa-ghaṭana-vidhātrī ||2||

O Mādhava! Although even a sesame seed of bhakti to you does not arise within me, still your great mastery is the originator of feats far more difficult to perform.

अयमविलोलतयाद्य सनातन कलिताद्भुतरसभारम् ।
निवसतु नित्यमिहामृतनिन्दिनि विन्दन्मधुरिमसारम् ॥३॥

ayam avilolatayādya sanātana kalitādbhuta-rasa-bhāram |
nivasatu nityam ihāmṛta-nindini vindan madhurima-sāram ||3||

O eternal One, may that [bee of my heart], captivated by the abundance of wonderful rasa, reside now and forever here [in the lotus of your feet] unwaveringly and thus experience the essence of sweetness, which defames even nectar.


Stava-mālā editions by Śrī Purī Dāsa Mahāśaya and Śrī Rāma Nārāyaṇa Vidyāratna.


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