
barhendrāyudha-ramyāya jagaj-jīvana-dāyine

barhendrāyudha-ramyāya jagaj-jīvana-dāyine |
rādhā-vidyud-vṛtāṅgāya kṛṣṇāmbhodāya te namaḥ ||
(Stava-mālā: Praṇāma-praṇaya-stava, 10)

“Obeisance unto you,
Dark Cloud,
You whose body is surrounded
By streaks of lightning,
You who are the bestower of water upon the world,
You who appear beautiful
With a rainbow
Of peacock feathers
[Outspread as peacocks dance to announce you].”

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dyuti-nīrājita-pāda-paṅkajānta |
api mukta-kulair upāsyamānaṁ
paritas tvāṁ hari-nāma saṁśrayāmi ||
(Stava-mālā: Nāmāṣṭaka, 1)

“O you the tips of whose lotus feet are worshiped by the radiances of the jewel-necklaces of the foremost of the Śrutis! O name of Hari! In all respects, I take shelter fully in you, who are worshiped even by the liberated.”

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In Praise of Bliss: a hymn of twenty names of Śrī Krṣṇa

By Śrī Rūpa Gosvāmīpāda

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devācāryaṁ yaṁ viduḥ sat-kavitve

devācāryaṁ yaṁ viduḥ sat-kavitve
pārāśaryaṁ tattva-vāde mahāntaḥ |
śṛṅgārārtha-vyañjane vyāsa-sūnuṁ
sa śrī-rūpaḥ pātu no bhṛtya-vargān ||
(Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Stava-mālā-ṭīkā: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 3)

“Whom the mahāntas know
As the divine ācārya in fine poetry (kavitva),
As the son of Parāśara [i.e., Vyāsadeva] in discussion of tattva,
And as the son of Vyāsa [i.e., Śukadeva] in manifesting the meaning of śṛṅgāra [i.e., madhura-rasa]—
May he, Śrī Rūpa,
Protect us,
His servants.”

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sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann

sanātanaṁ rūpam ihopadarśayann
ānanda-sindhuṁ paritaḥ pravardhayan |
antas-tamaḥ-stoma-haraḥ sa rājatāṁ
caitanya-rūpo vidhur adbhutodayaḥ ||
(Baladeva Vidyābhūṣaṇa’s Stava-mālā-ṭīkā: Maṅgalācaraṇa, 2)

“The Dispeller of the mass of inner darkness,
The Moon of astonishing arising,
He of conscious (caitanya) form [i.e., Svayaṁ Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa],
Manifesting an eternal (sanātanaṁ) form (rūpaṁ) here [i.e., in this world during his avatāra],
And causing an ocean of bliss to swell in all directions.”

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sureśānāṁ durgaṁ gatir atiśayenopaniṣadāṁ

sureśānāṁ durgaṁ gatir atiśayenopaniṣadāṁ
munīnāṁ sarvasvaṁ praṇata-paṭalīnāṁ madhurimā |
viniryāsaḥ premṇo nikhila-paśu-pālāmbuja-dṛśāṁ
sa caitanyaḥ kiṁ me punar api dṛśor yāsyati padam ||
(Stava-mālā: Prathama Caitanyāṣṭakam, 2)

“Difficult to attain for the suras,

The ultimate object of the Upaniṣads,

The wealth of the sages,

Sweetness to those who have taken shelter,

The very essence of prema

For all the lotus-eyed gopīs—

Will he, Caitanya,

Ever again become

The object of my eyes?”

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