वृन्दावनीयमुकुट व्रजलोकसेव्य
गोवर्धनाचलगुरो हरिदासवार्य ।
तत्सन्निधिस्थितियुषो मम हृच्छिलास्व-
प्येता मनोरथलताः सहसोद्भवन्तु ॥
vṛndāvanīya-mukuṭa vraja-loka-sevya
govardhanācala-guro hari-dāsa-vārya |
tat-sannidhi-sthiti-yuṣo mama hṛc-chilāsv apy
etā manoratha-latāḥ sahasodbhavantu ||
(Saṅkalpa-kalpa-druma: 99)
“O crown of Vṛndāvana! O you who are worshipable to the people of Vraja! O Govardhana! O guru of mountains! O best of Hari’s servants! Even in the midst of the rocks of the heart of I who remain situated near you, may these creepers of my desire quickly flourish.”