वाचं यच्छ मनो यच्छ प्राणान् यच्छेन्द्रियाणि च ।
आत्मानमात्मना यच्छ न भूय: कल्पसेऽध्वने ॥
vācaṁ yaccha mano yaccha prāṇān yacchendriyāṇi ca |
ātmānam ātmanā yaccha na bhūyaḥ kalpase’dhvane ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.16.42)
“Control the speech. Control the mind. Control the prāṇas and senses. Control the self [i.e., the buddhi] with the self [i.e., the sāttvika buddhi]. You will not take to the path [i.e., resume the course of saṁsāra] again.”