तत्तद्भावादिमाधुर्ये श्रुते धीर्यदपेक्षते ।
नात्र शास्त्रं न युक्तिं च तल्लोभोत्पत्तिलक्षणম্ ॥
tat-tad-bhāvādi-mādhurye śrute dhīr yad apekṣate |
nātra śāstraṁ na yuktiṁ ca tal-lobhotpatti-lakṣaṇam ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.292)
“That the intellect relies neither upon injunctions (śāstra) nor upon reasoning [to act] after hearing of the sweetness of their [i.e., the rāgātmikā-bhaktas’] respective bhāvas and so forth [i.e., their forms, qualities, līlā, etc.]—this is the characteristic of the arising of lobha in this regard [i.e., in regard to rāgānugā-bhakti].”