श्रीरासां न तुलां बिभर्ति नितरामित्युद्धवः कीर्तयन्
यासामङ्घ्रिरजो ननाम हरिणा यः स्वेन तुल्यो मतः ।
तासां तत्प्रियतासुधाकरतनुं विष्वक्चकोरायिते
नानेनानुगतां समस्तमहितां वन्दावहे राधिकाम् ॥

śrīr āsāṁ na tulāṁ bibharti nitarām ity uddhavaḥ kīrtayan
yāsām aṅghri-rajo nanāma hariṇā yaḥ svena tulyo mataḥ |
tāsāṁ tat-priyatā-sudhākara-tanuṁ viṣvak cakorāyite
nānenānugatāṁ samasta-mahitāṁ vandāvahe rādhikām ||
(Gopāla-campū: 15.9)

“Uddhava, who is considered by Hari to be equal to himself, glorified them [i.e., the gopīs, saying], “Śrī [i.e., Lakṣmī] is not at all equal to them,” and bowed down to the dust of their feet. Among them, we offer obeisance unto she who is honored by them all, Rādhikā, whose figure is a [nectar-rayed] moon of love for him [i.e., Hari] that is followed by him in all directions like a cakora [out of desire to drink its nectarean light].”


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